Greene County sheriff, deputies respond to shooting at Perry high school

Greene County sheriff Jack Williams reported that he and three Greene County deputies responded to Perry High School when the emergency call was placed last Thursday, Jan. 4. This was the first time the officers had put their Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) into practice. Grand Junction rescue was also paged to the scene.

Williams shared his department also investigated a threat of a copycat shooting. It was determined that the individual who posted the threat on TikTok was from the United Kingdom and the FBI was notified, but there was no credible threat. 

During that investigation, Williams contacted both Greene County School District superintendent Brett Abbotts and Paton-Churdan School superintendent Kreg Lensch about the threat and the events at Perry. Both superintendents decided to put their buildings into lockdown for less than one hour. Additionally, because P-C was back in session with students, there were deputies at the school building. Law enforcement will continue to be in both districts this week. ~by The Scranton Journal

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